The Daylilies are in full bloom right now so it’s the perfect time to choose your favorites and pair them up with some perennial companions. They have been used in gardens all over the world for centuries with new varieties and hybrids being developed all the time, and right now
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If anyone is looking for reliable bloomers when it comes to Hydrangeas, one good choice is the Smoothleaf Hydrangea. Hydrangea arborescens is found in moist areas, wooded slopes and stream banks from New York to Florida and west to Oklahoma. The species typically has a lace-cap flower with a center
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Not many people realize that this shrub even exists until they’re seen along the road in full bloom! Sambucus canadensis, also called American Elderberry, is one of those shrubs that’s either loved by native plant aficionados or demanded by town Wetland Commissions – and not so much in between. It’s
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The perennial sections are filled to the brim with many of your go-to favorites, cool new varieties and a few that have been brought back into production. These three caught our eye: Eryngium planum ‘Blue Hobbit’ – Sea Holly adds spiny texture to full sun borders, and this dwarf variety
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Choosing material for larger sites (commercial properties, schools, parking lots etc) takes plants that can thrive in less than perfect conditions. This often includes hot sun, wind, poor soil, bad drainage, winter salts, snow loads and inadequate irrigation to name a few. So tough, long-lived and reliable plants need to
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Astilbes are powerhouse perennials that can come in handy on almost every job. Their colorful spring plumes brighten up any garden – a handful in the small woodland garden do wonders to brighten the shade and on larger properties, big sweeps will make a dramatic, bold statement. There are so
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Now that the traditional evergreen Azaleas are finishing up their show, it’s time for the deciduous Azaleas to take over, and it’s not hard to miss one of our favorites, the intense golden-yellow Klondyke. This Exbury Hybrid has showy flower clusters with a fragrance that packs a sweet punch! It
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If there’s anytime to talk about Dogwood it’s now – right in the middle of their bloomtime. Yes, the Flowering Dogwood have mostly had their peak but the hybrids are shining now and the Koreans are about to pop. We have a great selection of the Flowering, Hybrid and Kousa
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Gold Flame Honeysuckle (Lonicera x hectrotti) is a fast growing twining vine that’s a nice addition to a cottage garden. It will quickly cover an arbor, trellis, fence or stone wall; it can even be planted as a ground cover, in a container or as a shrub. The blue-green foliage
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Once you buy your Roses keep them healthy and thriving with a few easy steps: -Choose a site that has full sun, rich soil, has good air circulation and is well drained! -Add plenty of organic matter if you have sandy/clay soil -Be generous when digging the hole -Plant at
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