All Crocus look the same right? Basically yes, but there are a few subtle differences that will help when you’re standing in front of those colorful boxes trying to make a decision. The species Crocus typically are the earlier bloomers sometimes by a few weeks. Their colors are more on
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Who can resist sweet, long blooming Grape Hyacinths! Short 6-8″ stalks support dense clusters of tiny, violet-blue bells. They bloom April into May for a full month as the foliage emerges. Once done, the leaves hang on for a short time gathering steam for next spring’s show, dyeing back once
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It’s so easy to funnel interest into your spring and summer landscapes with all that’s in bloom early in the season. The color palette is wide and the hoop houses filled with choices. But many landscapes are overlooked when it comes to fall interest, with one or two representatives for
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While most of our perennials are grown in #1 containers it’s good to know that we’ve started growing a select group of super-sized Ornamental Grasses and Perennials like these Autumn Joy Sedum in #3 containers. They’re perfect for the clients who expect an established look or for filling in empty
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Everyone loves big sweeps of spring color and if it’s in the form of Tulips, unfortunately, so do the deer. But fear not, there are many other Bulbs available that will add the same big punch to the landscape, as well as a tip for Tulip lovers. Tops on the
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Most landscape designs have one or two specimen trees, something that the homeowner can get excited about and that’s one of a kind on the property. They’re usually a three or four season tree, with cool flowers and bark, great fall color and maybe an interesting leaf form or habit.
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Oxydendrom arboreum- Sourwood is a slow growing, North American native understory tree. It is a wonderful addition to the garden or as a specimen tree. Plant it along side Rhododendron and Azaleas for all summer bloom since Sourwood blooms the end of June into July and persists into August when
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A new crop of Salvia nemerosa ‘Blue Hill’ is in full bloom and ready for sale. Their flowers are lighter blue than May Night and Caradonna, and will grow 20″ while in bloom. Plant in full sun in well-drained soil. Once established you can get three bloom periods from them
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Phlox paniculata is a wonderful summer plant for its bold, colorful flower heads that cover the plant from July through August. The fragrant flowers attract butterflies, hummingbirds and make wonderful cut flowers. It grows in full sun to part shade and prefers rich, moist, well-drained soils. Remove faded blooms to
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Some people categorize drought tolerant plants as boring plants used for hot boring spaces – utilitarian and necessary. We think of them as beautiful and easy to grow – desirable and dependable. However you think of them it’s good to have a list of these sun lovers handy – especially
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