It’s easy to sell the idea of colorful flowers to homeowners, less so on the idea of leaves… or better said, fronds. Though ferns lack a true flower show, they do provide us instead with cool fiddleheads early spring and awesome season-long texture. Plus, they have a pretty long history –
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We are currently growing two species of Asclepias – Swamp Milkweed (A. incarnata) and Butterfly Weed (A. tuberosa). A. incarnata ‘Ice Ballet‘ is a beautiful variety of the Swamp Milkweed that is also attractive to the pollinators like the rosy-pink species seen here, but with clusters of pure white flowers
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Looking for a long-blooming star for the back of the border? Check out Persicaria polymorpha – the Giant Fleece Flower! When people hear ‘Persicaria’ many shudder expecting an aggressive grower ready for invasion, like some of the other Knotweeds (Persicaria, Polygonum and Fallopia), but not this one! True, it is
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Nowadays many residential, as well as commercial customers, regularly use some type of mulch as a ground cover for their planting beds. It may be in the form of pine bark chips, shredded bark, natural hard or softwood chips from trees recently cut down and chipped, or even the different
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We know during the season there is never enough time in the day to get everything done, so let us do some of the work for you. Planters’ Choice will deliver to your job site anywhere in the Northeast! All we ask of you is to have a few representatives
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These European Snowball Viburnum (Sterile Viburnum) are loaded with bloom and ready to make a big impact right from the start. The lime-green clusters will soon turn pure white when fully open. These Planters’ Choice Grown plants will mature to about 12 x 10′ making them ideal for the back
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All you need is a little space and the right environment to get your blueberry patch started. 1) Sunny location 2) Organically rich, acidic, well drained soil. Consider a soil test for optimum results. 3) A water source readily available. 4) Mulch to keep weeds down and roots moist. 5) Fertilizer- once early spring and
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Nothing smells more like spring than Lilacs. With the change in weather from winter to spring comes the wind, the rain, and the late frosts, and through it all the later flowering Miss Kim lilac always brightens the day. The light lavender blooms fade to white and their fragrance is wonderful. Placed in
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If you need a carefree plant for a hot, dry, sandy situation try Sempervivum. Hens and Chicks originated from the mountainous Alps in Europe. It lives happily in the cracks in dry stone walls, between pavers, in the front of rocks gardens hugging stones or sculptures, roof top gardens and in containers
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I like Oriental Spruce (Picea orientalis) because of its versatility-it does what people often want Norway Spruce to do. I’m certainly not disparaging Norways, but they do grow quite wide. On the other hand, Picea orientalis stays fairly narrow, can tolerate as much shade as Hemlock but is more adaptable, and might
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