Looking for a long-blooming star for the back of the border? Check out Persicaria polymorpha – the Giant Fleece Flower! When people hear ‘Persicaria’ many shudder expecting an aggressive grower ready for invasion, like some of the other Knotweeds (Persicaria, Polygonum and Fallopia), but not this one! True, it is big and it does take up a shrub-sized area, but a conqueror it’s not. This clump forming perennial will grow 4-5′ tall and about 3-4′ wide and looks almost like a giant Astilbe. As a perennial it will die back to the ground each winter, or you can help it along by cutting it back late fall. It is deer and rabbit resistant and tolerant of wet sites (and occasional drought) though it prefers moist soil. Since it blooms most of the summer it will make a powerful statement for any outdoor event – including June weddings! This is our first year growing them and already they’re quite tall in their containers. Plant them now and next year they’ll be well on their way to making a huge statement! Zone 4-9