Sweetbay Magnolia (M. virginiana) is a safe bet when it comes to adding native interest to your site. They are found growing in moist areas and streamside along coastal New York and south to Florida, but they also do quite well in average moist well-drained soil. Here’s more about this beauty in a nutshell:
- Habit: Large shrub/small tree
- Height: 10-35′ H & W
- Light: Full sun/ part shade
- Flower: Large creamy white, lemon scented
- Fruit: Red fruiting clusters birds and wildlife love!
- Leaves: Semi-evergreen, silvery undersides
- Tolerates: Moist soil and can even take somewhat restricted growing spaces
- Pruning: Best pruned after bloom, not while dormant
- Use: Specimen, foundation planting, patio tree, rain garden
Cool to know: the flowers actually open up in 2-day phases alternating between male and female flowers.