Common name: Russian Sage
Size: 3-4′ high 24-30″ wide
Interest: Fine blue-gray foliage, airy lavender-blue flowers
Culture: Well-drained soil is critical, full sun
Time of year: July – September
Companion plants: Roses, Coneflowers, Garden Phlox, Ornamental Grasses

This is one of those plants that customers love. Planted in large groups they certainly make a big splash and are wonderful compliments to Roses and Coneflowers. Just make sure they have the conditions they need to look good, otherwise it will end up sprawling, and there is not much worse than a floppy Russian Sage. Full sun and very well-drained soil are key. Also, avoid overhead watering. The foliage is fragrant and not at all attractive to deer. Great for the pollinator garden!

Choose from the species (Perovskia atriplicifolia), ‘Little Spire’ (24-30″ x 18″) and ‘Longin’ (3-4′ x 18-24″)
Tip for spring: Trim them back by 1/3 in May to encourage a full plant!

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