The Perennial Plant Association chooses a winner each year and Stachys monieri ‘Hummelo’ was chosen as the winner for 2019. Each year’s winners are based on attributes that make them garden-worthy such as growing in a wide range of climates, being relatively maintenance free, and attractive during several seasons. ‘Hummelo’
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Save the Date: July 17th 8:30-3:30 Summer is around the corner and so is the CNLA Summer Symposium! We’re honored to be hosting this year at our new Watertown Sales Yard (1201 Bunker Hill Road). The new building is up and the site has plenty of space for the Trade
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Now that it’s finally spring, we have Brunnera, Aquilegia (‘Little Lanterns’ above) and Pulmonaria ready for you and your customers! Our spring crops of these early perennials are already rooted and just need a few days of warmth for some fresh foliage to appear. Brunnera (Bugloss) is a nice, low
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It’s not often we get asked to do something as interesting as graft the clone of the original Charter Oak for the City of Hartford. Chuck, owner and founder of Planters’ Choice is here taking scionwood. We will be grafting these next week and are excited to watch them grow!...
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Use your winter down-time and take advantage of our January Learn & Earn sessions in Newtown! Don’t miss out, mark your calendars now and RSVP as space is limited. All classes start promptly at 10 am and last for 2 hours. Coffee/tea and goodies provided! 1. January 8 – Lawn Care
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The Deer Fern (Blechnum spicant) just came down from Watertown to the Newtown sales yard looking like they love this wet weather! The vibrant green fronds are clean and fresh next to the Black Mondo Grass. A native fern in Europe and parts of Asia, they are usually found streamside,
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The Blue Mist Shrubs (Caryopteris x clandonensis) are in full bloom right now providing a cool blue for the landscape and some late-season pollen for the bees! Also known as Bluebeard, it is a small, long blooming shrub growing 2-3 ‘ high with a mounding habit making it useful in
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It’s hard not to write about Purple Beautyberry this time of year. It’s done flowering and the berries are now set – lime green and turning a beautiful lilac purple all clustered up along the branches. Of all the Callicarpa species, this one has a more refined habit. The native
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Ginkgos have been around for a long time. They are technically a conifer and one of the only surviving species of gymnosperms that grew back in the age of the dinosaurs – over 65 million years ago. The variety ‘Fastigiata’ seen here (similar to ‘Princeton Sentry’), is a narrow growing,
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Being a plant geek and the perennial grower at Planters’ Choice, I see many different plants around the nursery. We grow so many due to customer demands, and being plantsmen and women, we all request our own favorites because we really love them. For me, that’s Chelone (Turtlehead), one of my favorite
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