Use your winter down-time and take advantage of our January Learn & Earn sessions in Newtown! Don’t miss out, mark your calendars now and RSVP as space is limited. All classes start promptly at 10 am and last for 2 hours. Coffee/tea and goodies provided!

1. January 8 – Lawn Care -Mark takes a fresh look at lawn care programs incorporating the latest pesticide products for controlling weeds, fungus and insects, fertilizer requirements and lime, cultural practices such as aeration, thatching, watering and drought management all to make turf grass competitive with weeds, insects and other pests. 2 credits 3A
2. January 15 – Wood Boring Insects -Why these insects attack stressed trees, how to avoid stressing trees, control measures, control products insecticides, biologicals and cultural practices. Mark will take a close look at clear-winged, round & flat headed bores including both Ambrosia and Ips. sp. 2 credits PA, 3A, 3D
3. January 22 – Controlling Weeds in the Landscape – A comprehensive look at what works when it comes to controlling weeds with cultural practices, IPM strategies and herbicides. Plus, what to use when and why in conjunction with minimized herbicide use. Darryl will talk about competitive ground covers vs mulching. 2 credits 3A
4. January 29 – Apply Nursery Standards & Practices in your landscapes to help avoid replacements! Darryl will speak about nursery standards (ANSI Z60.1) and principles of nursery production. The goal will be to make sure attendees understand practices that will make installations and future maintenance of plants more successful. Those attending the lecture will need to replace less as well as apply less treatments to installed plants by understanding cultural practices in the nursery and how it relates to where they will ultimately be installed. 2 credits PA, 3A, 3D
Credits: 2 credits have been approved for each lecture. Please RSVP and register to save your spot. Call our Newtown sales office 203-426-4037.