Even though it’s not a true fern we like this plant for several reasons: It has sweet aromatic foliage that makes it hard to walk by without crushing the nicely textured leaves and taking a good whiff. Feel free to trim it to control height until late July, it will branch
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We have a long list of PC Grown evergreen Azaleas that easily can bring you through all of spring and into the start of summer. Azalea poukhanensis ‘Compacta’ is an early bloomer that starts us off, usually in April, and this splashy bicolor ‘Yuka’ does a great job of pulling
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Clematis is one of our favorite climbers – mainly for the wonderful variety of colors available. The fragile, dead-looking vines spring to life in April and before you know it they’re bursting in colors ranging from white and pale pink to deep blues and reds.We have a house full of
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October’s autumn tones are showing more each day and one tree that’s beginning to turn which has hard-to-beat fall color is Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica)! The glossy green foliage turns multiple colors from pale yellow to deep orange, and bright red to crimson. But don’t choose it based solely on
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One of the noblest tree groups found around the world is the stately Oak. They form an essential part of our forests providing food for wildlife, lumber for furniture, barrels for bourbon and shade for our parks and homes. The most commonly planted in the northeast are Pin Oak (Quercus
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As the Panicle Hydrangeas (H. paniculata) are in bloom, now is the best time to choose your favorites. The ‘Quick Fire’ seen here are already turning bright pink and is a real favorite along with the ‘Vanilla Strawberry’. Need a dwarf variety? ‘Bobo’ has been a big seller this year
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Need a focal point specimen with year round interest? Check out the Red Dragon Contorted Filbert (Corylus avellana). This interesting contorted shrub is very hardy and best grown in full sun. Their leaves hold a burgundy-red color well into the season which then fades to yellow-gold into the fall before
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We love Japanese Andromeda, and ‘Dorothy Wykoff’ (left) and ‘Scarlet O’Hara’ (right) are at the top of our list! Pieris japonica is a shade loving, deer resistant evergreen with distinctive buds, flowers and foliage. It is one of the most widely used plants in the landscape. They’re a staple for shadier sites including the north side
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Always a good choice for three-season interest are the Winter King Hawthorn (Cratagus viridis ‘Winter King’). They’re tough, easy to prune, offer a nice spring show of white flowers in May followed in the fall by the bright red fruit that persists into winter. A nice addition to any residential
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Fothergilla’s awesome mid-spring flowers make the early show, but we feel the premier comes in fall. Great for mixed borders, foundations and naturalized areas. Plant in full sun for the best display in acid, well-drained soil. The blue-green leaves turn a beautiful mix of orange, yellow and red in the
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