Each spring it’s always fun to try something different, and for us that means some new plants! Dan has hand-picked a nice selection of perennials so let’s jump right in and talk about a few of them:

‘Double Decker’ Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) is an interesting perennial which is the result of years of careful selection for a reliable seed strain for a two-tiered Coneflower. ‘Double Decker’ was found by Eugen Schleipfer in Germany and is a deep pink beauty! A tuft of short pink petals crown the cone and a skirt of longer, deep-rose petals radiate from its base. For best flowering they’ll need a minimum of 4 hours of direct sun. The strong stems will reach 40″ tall and 24″ wide making it a good candidate for the middle or back of the border. Plant in groups of 3+ for best impact. They combine well with Daylilies, Shasta Daisies, Cranesbill and Fountain Grass to name but a few. Dan has them in his own garden and gives them a two thumbs up saying “They’re funky and cool, I really love ’em!”

‘Cobweb’ Hens & Chicks (Sempervirens arachnoideum) Join the love-fest for the unusual and check out the green succulent rosettes covered with thin white threads resembling spider’s webs. They make a great addition to any area where the garden gets up-close and personal. They are total sun-lovers that will flower pink and slowly settle into crevasses and corners. Planted in well-draining troughs, shallow patio containers or along edges of hardscape they’re tough little guys that will give you years of pleasure.

‘Songbird Goldfinch’ Columbine (Aquilegia hybrid) Golden yellow is an unusual color for these old fashioned perennials. Columbine, or Granny’s Bonnet, is the perfect perennial for the woodland or partial shade gardens and this will surely brighten things up after the upper canopy leafs out. Growing 12-18″ tall they’ll mix very nicely with Ferns, Hosta, Hellebores and Ligularia to name a few. Remember to plant some early spring bulbs close by as their new foliage is distinctively fresh and clean as they unfurl.

So think about these additions when you start planning and designing your new jobs this spring!

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