Carex pensylvanica is a grass-like perennial that is typically found on sandy soils in dappled shade throughout the eastern half of the country. Pennsylvania Sedge can tolerate less than ideal conditions in the garden. It is a tough spreader that is great for under deciduous trees, in fact it is very happy in the company of Oaks which explains its other common name, Oak Sedge.
The slow-spreading foliage is non-invasive and will form dense mats growing 6 to 8 inches. It flowers early in the growing season with dark brown seed capsules along the stem ends. Great to add to the border for its fine texture and bright green foliage. Plant in well-drained soil in partial shade.
Also, you might consider using this as a turf-like groundcover. Once established it can be mowed two to three times per year. Make sure it is cut to at least 3 to 4 inches high. Plant in well-drained soil in part shade about 8-12″ apart. Sold in 1 gallon containers in both locations.