A new crop of Salvia nemerosa ‘Blue Hill’ is in full bloom and ready for sale. Their flowers are lighter blue than May Night and Caradonna, and will grow 20″ while in bloom. Plant in full sun in well-drained soil. Once established you can get three bloom periods from them with properly timed dead-heading. As soon as the main and lateral flowers stems are spent, trim them back to the first set of new leaves. They are not heavy feeders so one application of fertilizer at the start of the growing season is sufficient. Other blue Salvias available are Caradonna, May Night and Purple Rain. Need some contrast? S. nemerosa ‘Lyrical White’ and ‘Snow Hill’ will brighten things up! Need a companion plant or two? Use any variety of Echinacea, Hemerocallis (Daylily) or Sedum, and pre-empt these summer bloomers with Iberis (Candytuft), Baptisia or Peonies.