Looking for something out of the ordinary when it comes to spring flowering trees? Consider the Royal White Redbud for a change. You’ll get the same flower clusters opening tightly along the branches and the same heart-shaped leaves, but this variety has white flowers. It is similar to ‘Alba’ but grows more compact (15-20′ H&W), flowers earlier and produces abundant larger flowers. Plant them in full sun to light shade in well-drained soil as they do not like wet feet. We have a small selection of 4/5′ and 5/6′ in our Newtown sales yard.

This year we have more Redbud varieties than ever: ‘Appalachian Red’,’Forest Pansy’, ‘Lavender Twist’, ‘Pink Heartbreaker’, ‘Ruby Falls, ‘Rising Sun’ and the ‘Royal White’. Plant them in full sun to partial shade.

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