The Perennials are looking great right now most having emerged from their winter sleep with many early bloomers in flower and others budded up. Perennials with long-lasting color are the backbones of an interesting landscape from perennial borders to containers. There are those that naturally bloom for weeks, however many others may only require simple deadheading to encourage the plant to set new buds and flower again. Here is quick list of great perennials that will give your gardens weeks of color on their own or with just a little snip!
- Achillea (Yarrow)
- Aconitum (Monkshood)
- Campanula (Bell Flower)
- Centaurea (Cornflower)
- Coreopsis (Tickseed)
- Dianthus (Hardy Carnations)
- Echinacea (Coneflowers)
- Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy)
- Lavandula (Lavender)
- Liatris (Gayfeather)
- Mondarda (Bee Balm)
- Phlox (Garden Phlox)
- Platycodon (Balloon Flower)
- Salvia (Meadow Sage)
- Stokesia (Stoke’s Aster)
- Tiarella (Foamflower)
- Tradescantia (Spiderwort)
- Veronica (Speedwell)